
Indian nun who accused bishop of rape says he's behind smear campaign

Appeals court rules against Little Sisters of the Poor over HHS mandate

El Salvador sisters see hope, work for change in a still-violent society

Faith groups pray for immigrant children in detention, urge policy change

'Loving neighbor as yourself implies caring for Earth,' theologian says

Q & A with Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, creating educational opportunities for sisters in Africa

South African sisters address violence against migrant women

Women's role in Amazon church does not depend on diaconate, sisters say

Sister-run center trains people in trades, entrepreneurship to improve lives

Indian nuns' statement calls for women's 'due place' in church leadership

Benedictines Chittister and Forcades delve into women's role in church

Q & A with Sr. Teresa Namataka, training African sisters to counsel people with HIV/AIDS

The sisters of Holmes County, Mississippi, integral to the community

Sister at Amazon synod calls for women religious to be granted vote

Bangladesh nuns' handicraft center empowers thousands of women

Little Sisters of the Poor again seek Supreme Court's help

Nun's canonization delays vote on Brazil's social security reform bill

Sisters focus on maintaining mission, managing assets at resource conference

Q & A with Sr. Juana Yakelin Vásquez Díaz, advocate for indigenous communities in the Amazon

Oaxaca Archdiocese's new Social Pastoral School goes beyond charity toward community change