
Q & A with Doris Reisinger, theologian at the forefront of the #NunsToo movement

Q & A with Sr. Nathalie Becquart: Upcoming synod could 'turn a clerical church into a synodal church'

Give what you can, take what you need: Catholic sisters join community food pantry effort in the Philippines

With spiritual motivation, sisters actively care for the Earth

At 108, Dominican sister says God 'just wants me to hang around'

Congregations 'walk the talk' of Earth Day with ongoing care for creation

World Day of Prayer for Vocations is April 25: Vocation directors share their strategies

Q & A with Sr. Suzanne Susany, immigration attorney working with women in need

Refugees use farm training to survive food shortages during the pandemic

St. Teresa of Ávila's life of prayer made her 'exceptional,' pope says

Religious sisters in Myanmar stand up to military junta

New app features French Benedictines singing the Liturgy of the Hours in Gregorian chant

India's anti-conversion laws bring more harassment for Catholic nuns

Serving those in the shadows, sisters follow in footsteps of women long gone

Q & A with Sr. Karen Lueck on what it takes to be a quality leader

A Place to Call Home series among awards for writing for GSR, NCR

Small Kenyan village remembers Sr. Marianna Hulshof on the 100th anniversary of her birth

When Catholic nuns took on the Klan in court and won

At America's Door: How nuns, once suspect, won the heart of non-Catholic America

Religious orders vow pandemic will never deter care for vulnerable people