
An American living in Ireland learns pinches extend beyond St. Patrick's Day

What are some ways nuns prepare for Lent?

To be part of womankind is to be limitless

Gloom and doom and a line from a homily I can't avoid

Reflection in quarantine reveals the importance of incarnation

Time to renew your contemplative journey this Lent

This Lent, let's create clean hearts by repenting for our collective sinfulness

My true journey: I am doing a year of service, and I have depression

Hope springs eternal with a little help from Supergirl

Seeking simplicity, in New York of all places

Burn with joy in the consecrated life

Unexpected lessons of service: from life unto death

The finger of God in my life

Sisters share: What Scripture passage underlies your consecrated life?

Spiritual practices for the fatigued and lonely

Seeds on the winter snow: The New Year doesn't feel very new

A vibrant Zoom liturgy during COVID lockdown leaves lessons for church

Losing, finding and venturing forth, with eyes wide open

My journey with Jesus

Finding community outside our comfort zones