
Mary of Magdala, the lighthouse who guides us

Malibu retreat a transformative journey into the heart of spirituality

The healing grace and power of the Eucharist

My brown scapular holds promise of maternal protection

Jesus' real and active presence in Eucharist

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Expelling unclean spirits

The 6th day: One voice, one community

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The potential of 10%

For good Samaritans everywhere

Bask in the gaze of God with grateful eyes

San Joao is a forgiving and cleansing feast

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: How storms can deepen the faith

Cultivate kindness this pre-election season

Vacation the Benedictine way

The day I manifested Jehovah's Witnesses

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The reign of God is at hand

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ: Becoming communion

3 cheers for Ordinary Time

To the memory of a messenger of Jesus and companion on the journey

The strength and faith of the first truly consecrated woman