
Aging Catholic sisters in US, Ireland continue mission through impact investing

Las hermanas de Brasil se comprometen a apoyar a los pueblos indígenas y sus tierras

Sisters in Brazil commit to supporting Indigenous peoples and their land

With Franciscan sisters' $1.5 million gift, Network to take on climate lobbying

Citigroup shareholder support holds steady for Catholic sisters' resolution on climate, Indigenous rights

Catholic sisters press Citigroup to reexamine pipeline financing

Indigenous groups, supporters resist planned dam in the Philippines' Sierra Madre

Clean water improves health in Vietnam's Mekong River Delta

Sisters support fisherpeople protesting new international seaport in India

Sharing the Gospel through honeybees and all of God's creation

Farm settlement honoring US-born nun created, then revoked in Amazon

Investing in our planet can look like simplicity, connection and hope

California Dominicans' land use looks after well-being of wildlife, people

Brick by brick, tree by tree, Carmelite Missionary Sisters plant skills to limit Malawi’s deforestation

In the face of catastrophic climate change, sisters join call for a just transition

Burning down our common home

Amid biting drought, sisters in Zambia fend off hunger with organic farming

'This is water management.' St. Joseph sisters create massive rain garden in New Orleans

With congregation-wide commitments, sisters are active in sustainable living