GSR Today - So many noteworthy events and stories are already coming across our desks and computer screens here at the office of Global Sisters Report. We’d like to be able to make them all into feature stories but that just won’t be possible. From time to time in the GSR Today blog we will be calling your attention to news items you may have missed. Here are a few that have happened since GSR has been up and running.

by Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans


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Sr. Karen Dietrich is head of a successful quintet of Catholic grade schools in Camden, N.J. Established in 2009, Catholic Partnership Schools is a non-profit management organization that pooled resources to eliminate debt and bring technology, services and extra-curricular activities to the 1,000 students they serve. Without it, three of the five schools would have closed.

Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans is a frequent contributor to the Global Sisters Report, and a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Religion News Service, National Catholic Reporter, Sojourners, Christian Century, The Washington Post and Philadelphia Inquirer. She resides in Glenmoore, Pennsylvania, with her family.


This story appears in the Sisters Making Mainstream Headlines feature series. View the full series.

GSR Today - Hands-down, the biggest story of the week has been Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s message to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious on April 30. On a happier note, a group of Mexican sisters in Ohio are knocking on doors to bring Catholics back into the fold. And it’s working.