This story appears in the Ebola feature series. View the full series.

Responding to Ebola from afar - There are many front lines in a war, and none are more important than another. That’s how Mary Rizzo, the development coordinator for the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters in Reading, Penn., found herself battling the Ebola crisis in Liberia, even though she was nearly 5,000 miles away. Global Sisters Report shares the story of her fundraising that has sent more than $150,000 toward medical care in Africa and is asking you for stories about how others are stepping up to this outbreak.

This story appears in the Synod on the Family feature series. View the full series.

Well, the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family lived up to its name. It was indeed extraordinary. It was extraordinary not because of the synod's developing content, which seems disappointingly same-o, same-o so far. No, what is noteworthy is the process through which the bishops are now engaging one another. Pope Francis' synod is modeling an open process. He invited input from grassroots Catholics around the world, insisted that that participants voice their opinions boldly, no matter how controversial, and clearly expected the heated disagreements that inevitably ensued.

Three members of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ministering in Texas were named the winners of the Lumen Christi (Light of Christ) Award given each year by Catholic Extension. The three winners – Srs. Carolyn Kosub, Emily Jocson and Fatima Santiago – arrived in the South Texas "colonia" of Penitas, located in the Diocese of Brownsville, in 2003 after a tornado ravaged the poverty-ridden community, and since then have worked with residents to help meet some of their most basic needs.

This story appears in the Nuns on the Bus feature series. View the full series.

Nuns on the Bus Blog - Nuns on the Bus spent some time in Louisiana and Georgia before swinging up to the Mile High State to hold a Town Hall for the 100% and take part in early voting. Global Sisters Report has enjoyed being along for the virtual ride and sharing news from the road as the sisters post it.

This story appears in the Synod on the Family feature series. View the full series.

by Jeannine Gramick


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I'm frustrated by the news that the bishops at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family backtracked on the cordial tone of the interim document released after the first week of discussions. Do these bishops know what it means to show a pastoral face? Wasn’t this synod called to discuss “pastoral issues?” LGBT persons and their allies did not make excessive demands. They were seeking some kind words of welcome.

When Immaculate Heart of Mary Sr. Kathleen Burns built a website for her congregation in 1995, she wasn’t aware that she was making history. But as it turned out, her (300-page, hand-coded!) website was the very first website solely for Catholic women religious in existence.