I was in the wake of the season of El Día de Los Muertos when I attended the Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to Journey of the Universe conference at Yale Divinity School, Nov. 7-9. When Sr. Miriam Therese McGillis, who was on a panel for Seeds, Food and Soil, brought forth baskets of drying marigolds to share with participants I was very moved and surprised. Miriam and the marigolds captured participants through her intimate sharing of her spiritual journey to embrace the sacred word of the book of nature at the tutelage of Fr. Thomas Berry.

It could be the scene of an ordinary school day anywhere. Just a few days before Christmas, the younger students were making decorations and singing carols downstairs, while the older ones were taking their final exams upstairs. But for the Syrian refugee children at the Good Shepherd Social Center in Deir al-Ahmar, getting an education is something many of their young compatriots are missing. "It started with a storm," said Good Shepherd Sr. Micheline Lattouf, who heads the center

This story appears in the Sisters Making Mainstream Headlines feature series. View the full series.

GSR Today - I’ll give you three guesses for naming the No. 1 mainstream media story this week concerning women religious. Actually, you don’t even need three. The Vatican’s report on the apostolic visitation released Tuesday accounted for most of this week’s news about nuns and merited the same type of headlines from the mainstream media that it did from the non-secular press.

This story appears in the Advent feature series. View the full series.

That first Sunday night it appeared. In the stillness of the final day of November it had taken its place, where it was to remain for the coming four weeks of Advent. There in the chapel, a tiny manger had appeared. No wise men, no family, not even any animals. Simply, a manger.

This story appears in the Apostolic Visitation feature series. View the full series.

by Sandra M. Schneiders


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Commentary - So much has already been said about the content of the report from the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. I want to delve a bit below the surface of both the process and the text itself to engage what I think are some of the deeper issues and concerns and hopes that invite and challenge us for the future.

Opponents and supporters of the pending sale of six Catholic hospitals in California to Prime Healthcare Services escalated their actions and their rhetoric this week as the February deadline nears for the state's attorney general to rule on the sale. The Daughters of Charity Health System (DCHS), which owns the six hospitals, says the sale to Prime is the only way to keep the hospitals open. Together, the four hospitals in northern California and two in southern California are running a monthly debt of $10 million, a cost DCHS says is not sustainable.

This story appears in the See for Yourself feature series. View the full series.

by Nancy Linenkugel


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See for Yourself - As Thanksgiving week approached, any number of faculty and staff at the university where I work asked me what I was going to be doing for the Thanksgiving holiday break. I replied, “I’ll be judging a beauty pageant.” The incredulous reactions were something like, “You? Judging a beauty pageant? What does a nun know about doing that?”