This story appears in the Laudato Si' encyclical feature series. View the full series.

Global Sisters Report is a project of National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company, which is following the pope's environment encyclical very closely. GSR will have a number of exclusive columns and commentary from sisters about the letter, and you can follow NCR's unfolding coverage here.

This story appears in the Laudato Si' encyclical feature series. View the full series.

GSR Today - The much-anticipated official release of "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home" has come. NCR's coverage includes input from Srs. Ilia Delio, Simone Campbell, and others. This link will take you to the very latest articles about the environment encyclical. (Read Laudato Si' in English.)

For the last five years, the juniorate program for Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in Patna, India has included a computer class. Newly professed sisters learn how to use programs like Microsoft Word and Excel in addition to training on Facebook best practices and how to do effective Internet searches. Last month, Global Sisters Report talked to Sr. Jane Karakunnel, coordinator of the juniorate program, about the computer classes.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

by Mary Clare Mazzocchi


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Notes from the Field - This week, we will read a new encyclical from Pope Francis on the topics of Earth’s resources and environmental justice. In the Dominican Call to Justice, a document put forth by the North American Dominican Justice Promoters, climate justice is listed first in the series of issues to which congregations across the country should turn their attention.

This story appears in the LCWR and Apostolic Visitation feature series.

by Anne E. Patrick


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Twice in recent months Catholics have breathed a sigh of relief when press conferences in Rome announced the friendly settlement of difficulties between Vatican officials and American women religious. Although Pope Francis gives evidence of androcentric thinking, I believe his commitment to initiating processes of reform that allow for the voicing of divergent views is promising where justice for women is concerned.