Based in Sydney, Marist Sr. Noelene Simmons lives in a "destination country," or the final stop for trafficked people — in Australia's case, trafficked people from Asia. Simmons is the president of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH), which is among the many networks of sisters around the globe that combat human trafficking.

by Rose Pacatte

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Series review - "The Keepers" is an outstanding series that integrates interviews and evidence to examine a story involving the murder of two young women nearly 50 years ago, sex abuse of minors on a devastating scale and possible cover-ups.
Related - Q & A with Gemma Hoskins from 'The Keepers' and series director Ryan White

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

Over the past two months, Fundación Madre Josefa has created a mini-community of support — a yoga class where together we also practice self-care activities, such as personal reflection and group discussion.