Since 2015, the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious' Intercultural Outreach Committee has presented Esposas de Cristo (Wives of Christ), a summer program to bring together Spanish-speaking sisters from around the U.S. for study, renewal, spiritual formation and networking. The next gathering is July 17-28 in upstate New York.

With master's degrees and doctorates in eco-theology and eco-ethics, St. Joseph Srs. Linda Gregg and Mary Rowell run the Villa St. Joseph Ecology and Spirituality Centre in Cobourg, Ontario. The two teach university eco-theology courses from the center, which also houses a large community garden, and offer retreats and reflection for all faiths focused on the interconnectedness of spirituality and the Earth.

This story appears in the HIV/AIDS Ministry feature series. View the full series.

Under the guidance of some Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul,  Hogar San Jose de Malambo is home to 140 children from all over the world who were either abandoned by parents or brought to get treatment for life-threatening illnesses that their families could not afford. Just outside Panama City, the orphanage is 127 years old.

Sr. Lorelle Elcock shares with GSR what her parish has done to help Dominican sisters who, despite having fled the Iraqi city of Mosul to escape ISIS, continue their ministries in a refugee camp. Elcock's parish has raised $14,000 for the Dominican sisters.