Four months ago, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the Conference of Major Superiors of Men quietly sold the Silver Spring, Maryland, building they've co-owned since 1982 and shared with other Catholic organizations.

Srs. Susanne Dziedzic and Johnna Ciezobka opened a community resource center in Kingstree, South Carolina, 26 years ago. The Felician Center has flourished, and today is in the process of transitioning to lay leadership.

Sr. Prasanna Devi shares Christian blessings with the thousands who have been drawn to her over the years. The Catholic hermit, who has lived among lions, panthers and other wild animals deep inside a forest in western India for 40 years, returned to human society four years ago, at the request of the local bishop. Devi does not belong to a particular religious order but chose the contemplative path of an ascetic, devoting her life to God. She is believed to be the only female member of the Syro-Malabar Church to choose such a life.

This story appears in the Iraq feature series. View the full series.

by Rosemarie Milazzo


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Greetings from Lesbos. We are enjoying a lovely breeze in the mornings; flowers and trees are rejoicing. This beauty contrasts with the camps, which are overflowing with refugees. More boats arrive each week, with more and more people fleeing for their lives.

Today, people enter religious life after they've earned advanced degrees and accumulated debt. The Labouré Society helped individuals fundraise to pay down their debts and has turned to teaching religious institutions how to eliminate the debt they already have.

This story appears in the Crisis in the Church feature series. View the full series.

Simply Spirit - I wonder if the current implosion of ecclesiastical credibility over clergy sex abuse can create a new moment of grace, one that breaks down outmoded governance models. We may already have a road map — thanks to liberation theologian Leonardo Boff.