Sister Kristine Vorenkamp has been a religious for over 50 years.  As a Sister of the Living Word, she taught elementary school and ministered in parish ministry in West Texas, IL, and MS. She ministered as part of the Congregational Leadership for her community for ten years. During the last thirty years, she has focused her ministry with our immigrant brothers and sisters in the Rio Grande Valley, TX, with the sweet potato field workers in MS, and with the Pastoral Migratoria and detention pastoral care ministry in northern IL.

La Hna. Gloria Liliana Franco Echeverri es una religiosa de la Orden de la Compañía de María Nuestra Señora (ODN) y actual presidenta de la Confederación Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Religiosos y Religiosas (CLAR). Doctora en Teología, magister en Teología Bíblica y Trabajadora Social por la Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), Franco Echeverri es miembro del equipo teológico del Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano y Caribeño (CELAM). La religiosa colombiana, madre sinodal, es una de los tres corredactores del Instrumentum laboris del Sínodo de la Sinodalidad.