Sr. Mary Elizabeth Njorge is an Assumption Sister of Nairobi, Kenya. As a trained social worker, she ministered in Kenyan dioceses for several years, including the regions of Lodwar and Isiolo, where she began outreach efforts to provide medical care to patients in challenging situations. The Assumption charism of spreading the good news and uplifting human dignity, particularly among women, resonates deeply with her. This  has led her to Jamaica, where she now leads initiatives to address nutrition challenges among vulnerable populations.

Margaret Plevak has worked in both the Catholic and secular press for more than 25 years. She's also written for a number of publications, including National Catholic Reporter, St. Anthony Messenger and the Milwaukee Journal.

Eduardo Cordero es un reportero mexicano que estudió Historia y Periodismo en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y que perteneció a la cuarta generación de periodistas de Corriente Alterna, la Unidad de Investigaciones Periodísticas de Cultura de esta casa de estudios. Le gusta el arte virreinal y la lectura.