A Nun's Life Ministry

A Nun’s Life Ministry is an online ministry that helps people grow in their vocation by asking engaging questions about God, faith, and religious life. Among the ministry's work is a series of podcasts, including "Ask Sister," "Motherhouse Road Trip" and "In Good Faith." Through the podcasts, Catholic sisters from many congregations share insights, information, advice — and LOLs — with listeners from more than 150 countries.

By this Author

If you ask God for guidance, be ready for surprises

Can a health condition impede a religious vocation?

The blessing of a scapular

Bringing God out from the culture

$15,000 grows innovation, food and hope

Salting the fleas

God's arms remain wide open for you — even when you doubt

Finding God in the midst of suffering

Prayer warriors against the death penalty

How can novenas and scapulars enrich your spiritual life?

The humor and joy of the Rule of St. Benedict

Religious life fulfills a musical dream

Can you fast-forward the pace of reflection?

Educating about human trafficking takes varied approaches

Seeking and granting forgiveness makes us free

Why is gluttony one of the seven deadly sins?

No one repaid your student loans? Rejoice for debt forgiveness for others.

How can I believe in God if I'm full of doubt?

Asylum journeys bring some young women to Chicago's Bethany House

Why don't I get what I want when I pray the rosary?