Dan Stockman

Dan Stockman is national correspondent for Global Sisters Report. He was a reporter at daily newspapers in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana for nearly two decades before joining GSR in 2014.

By this Author

How COVID-19 impacted congregations with retreat centers

Sister-run retreat centers survive by pivoting as the pandemic continues

Q & A with Beth Lipsmeyer and Ted Dunn, counseling sisters and their congregations

Monday Starter: Maryknoll sister is Talitha Kum's new international coordinator

Documentary on the life of Sr. Thea Bowman premieres this weekend

Monday Starter: New UISG video celebrates sisters creating 'a culture of care'

Monday Starter: More than 100 nuns join pilgrimage for Marian feast day in Pakistan

Sisters INSPIRE project explores the future of faith-based service

Monday Starter: Ursuline motherhouse in Kansas gets new life after 14 years of dormancy

Monday Starter: Sisters disappointed at outcome of UN nuclear disarmament meetings

Q & A with Sr. Maureen Geary, new president-elect of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious

Black Catholic groups gather for first in-person joint meeting in two years

US congregations face their complicity in trauma of Native boarding schools

Monday Starter: Mercy Sisters join march demanding higher quality of life in America

Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious to focus on diversity, dignity

Monday Starter: Change underway at LCWR with election and director's departure

Months after Kentucky tornadoes, Charity Sisters and volunteers help families rebuild

Monday Starter: Convent's music therapy comforts Ukraine's war victims

Sister shareholders call on Ruger gun manufacturer to examine its impact

Monday Starter: More religious communities speak out against gun violence