Dan Stockman

Dan Stockman is national correspondent for Global Sisters Report. He was a reporter at daily newspapers in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana for nearly two decades before joining GSR in 2014.

By this Author

Catholic Health Association pledges to achieve equity, confront racism in care outcomes

Sundance film features Immaculate Heart Community's 50-year journey

As new administration settles in, sisters have hope in Biden's character and Catholicism

As COVID-19 vaccines roll out, some sisters are early recipients

'Shameful moment in history': Sisters react to insurrection at US Capitol

Q & A with Sr. Terry Gauvin, Lumen Christi finalist for anti-trafficking work

Sisters adapt food ministries to cope with pandemic, surge of those in need

What does a consolidation of sisters' communities look like?

Virtual gatherings strengthen sisters' communities, even before pandemic separation

Hundreds attend online series on how religious communities can fight racism

Catholic Health Association urges Supreme Court to keep Affordable Care Act

With the 2020 US election over, LCWR says it is time to reconcile and heal

Virtual convocation opens up National Religious Vocation Conference

'People are raw': Sisters reflect on how we live together post-election

Nuns on the Bus ends first virtual tour with emphasis on multi-issue voting

New curriculum teaches Catholic faith through lives of women religious

Sisters registering as many people as they can to vote

Sisters of St. Casimir's US-Lithuanian ties outlasted Soviet repression

The first virtual Nuns on the Bus tour begins, highlighting voting rights, poverty and pro-life policies

Taking on the hills with prayer: Cycling with Sisters 2020, check!