
At the Met, 'Dead Man Walking' applauds Sr. Prejean's death row ministry

Exclusive: Jeannine Gramick, LGBTQ advocate, reveals details of meeting with Pope Francis

Sr. Liliana Franco: Women's path in the church is 'full of scars'

Sister in West Bank calls for humanitarian aid amid 'horrendous' situation in Gaza

Pope Francis meets Jeannine Gramick, US sister known for LGBTQ ministry

Aging Catholic sisters in US, Ireland continue mission through impact investing

Sr. Patricia Crowley, prominent Chicago sister who made a mark on the church and community, dies

Women's voices being heard at Vatican's big meeting on church's future, nun says

Three kidnapped sisters in Nigeria released after nine days

At events inside and outside Vatican's synod hall, focus on women's equality

St. Thérèse teaches simplicity, love, trust, pope says in document

'A way to tell America's story': Consortium works to preserve congregations' archives

Africa Faith and Justice Network marks 40 years of advancing advocacy

Work still needed to bring justice to sexual abuse survivors, say advocates

Sister Support Initiative evaluation reveals changes to US religious life

As France mulls euthanasia law, sisters working in palliative care fear effects

Pilgrims celebrate St. Thérèse in Lisieux, where singer Édith Piaf was cured of blindness

New award honors Sr. Norma Pimentel for civic renewal

Ohio inmates 'give something back' by growing produce for Catholic Charities

Amid liturgical dispute in Indian archdiocese, sisters keep faith alive