
Bangladeshi sisters work amid fear and violence in Chittagong Hill Tracts

Q&A with Sr. Terri Schell, sharing a Catholic approach to ecology and faith

Congregational charisms guide sisters as 'living word for the church'

Mercy Sr. Theresa Kane, prominent advocate for women's rights, dies at 87

Vatican approves devotion at site of Marian apparition in Spain

Q&A with Sr. Ailyn Cayanan, honored for entrepreneurial agriculture education

Forced into scamming, trafficking survivors in Zambia recover with sisters' help

Holy Cross Sisters improve lives of Zambian girls through education, support

New York's Catholic Charities is first stop for many immigrants for resources, support

Q&A with Sr. Teagon Andre Maria, serving the poor as a nurse in Bangladesh

LCWR honors Sr. Nancy Schreck, who spent decades serving sisters and rural poor

Q&A with Sr. Jeana Visel, Benedictine iconographer and teacher

'Broader charism of religious life': LCWR assembly ponders new beginnings

LCWR assembly invites sisters to become 'catalyst for social transformation'

Indigenous-led Amazon Frontlines to receive 2024 Hilton Humanitarian Prize

Pakistani nuns' ministry includes aiding celebration for Muslims

Global Sisters Report announces new editor Soli Salgado

Q&A with Sr. Hildegard Enzenhofer, ministering to the Holy Land's elders

LCWR assembly to explore sisters' response to challenges of world

New LCWR president, Sr. Kathy Brazda, to lead conference in time of 'vulnerability'