
Anchors in my life allow movement, but keep me from floating too far away

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The struggle for transformation

The door of wonder opens up

Ode to a kenotic teacher

Can the church change? It's all about the collective

We need to move beyond the noise

Sisters in Ukraine build bridges at retreat for Eastern and Western rites

In Kenya, we must uphold the visionary legacy that others fought for

Who do we invite into our lives?

Transitions are messy, both in nature and in daily life

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Speak out for creation

My AA medallions spur hope-filled encounters

Catholic women in Vietnam look to St. Monica as a courageous holy mother

Augustine of Hippo: Transformed from sin to a life of virtue

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time: Awesome faith

At World Youth Day I saw firsthand that young people believe

Young people, don't give up

A bedroom liturgy with my dying brother

My calendar celebrates saints close to my heart

With great diversity, we are still one nation