
May St. Thomas teach us to learn from our doubt

Uncovering my inner light, living in synchrony with God

My parents were the lighthouse in the harbor of life

Mothering and fathering are about empowering through example

Carry your cross through a blanket of fog

Priests' meeting put into practice living synodality in a polarized world

Learning to be in God's presence always

Let us awake and be our brothers' and sisters' keeper

Turning your prayer life inside out

'Contra spem spero': Against all hope, I hope

Praying with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the inexhaustible source of love

Sts. Peter and Paul, the great pillars of the church

'Never wish life were easier, wish you were better'

Living on a prayer: A nun's guide to self-help

Communal contemplation for healing the world

Wildfires and smoke alerts highlight interconnectedness of global community

Merging parishes and creating community

Opening our eyes to seeing differently

The wind is the Spirit of this moment

Humor helps me cope with life changes