Jennifer Wilson

Jennifer Wilson

Jennifer Wilson is a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. Before entering the congregation, she completed two years as a Mercy Volunteer corps member in Guyana, South America. Her graduate degree is in education and special education. She has worked with homeless women and children as a social worker and presently is a theology teacher and the diversity, inclusion and equity coordinator at Mount Mercy Academy in Buffalo, New York.

By this Author

The secret to diversity is love

Understanding charism through acts of hospitality

Transformation is the hope of the Easter season

A new year for a new yes

Who do we invite into our lives?

Journeys of life bring us joys and sorrows

Saying 'yes' to God's call led to a journey of discovery and love

A vow of listening to each other

Through service, 'I feel as if the God in me is coming out'

Never forget: You are a child of God

Think about who packed your parachutes. They're watching out for you.

God always has room for us. Do we have room in our hearts for others?

Classroom questions and answers on God and life's fairness

A fish tale: What I learned from the salmon

Visualizing our portal into the future

Increasing my vocabulary and surviving COVID-19 in 2021

Learning from retreats at Lake Erie for the everyday

Helping my students center in God, and go forward

Switching from the lens of limits

Did God tell you to not have a kid?