Religious Life

Q & A with Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, creating educational opportunities for sisters in Africa

Women's role in Amazon church does not depend on diaconate, sisters say

Forging foundations without forgetting our founders

From refugee to itinerant minister, my Dominican journey

Benedictines Chittister and Forcades delve into women's role in church

'Success' in religious life: What is it?

Sisters focus on maintaining mission, managing assets at resource conference

Angela's charism lasted four centuries: It will continue!

Chittister: The model of Jesus the healer is only half the Christian dispensation

Way of posthuman life could revitalize religious communities

Women in church leadership: 40 years after Sr. Theresa Kane's request to pope

Meet the challenge to promote synodality with Pope Francis

Sisters are experts in bringing people together

An unexpected decision in the search for something more

From two Dominican sisters: a master class in why the bomb is bad

Life goes on: Losing Janet, finding strength in community

Religious life in a post-human age

A pioneer plan for religious life

'Our reckoning': US sisters take up call to examine their role in systemic racism