Religious Life

Churches, chaplains, nuns have unexpected role in COVID-19 crisis

My ring told me: Love never fails

UISG leader speaks on interculturality, increase of sisters on Vatican committees

Sisters of St. Joseph motherhouse demolished in Kalamazoo

Living Lent amid the dust of demolished pedestals

Catholic Sisters Week includes reaching people called to ministry outside of vowed life

Sister's time in health care facility warrants 'thick speech'

Sisters use funds, microloans to empower women, small businesses

Evangelization efforts bring more sisters to the Charleston Diocese

Traumas of a lifetime can manifest as PTSD in aging sisters

Trump's California funding threat over abortion puts nuns in unexpected spot

Sisters innovate approaches to outreach, formation for young women

Evolutionary consecrated life

Communities welcome young women to the sisterhood through international outreach

When the ground moves and tradition changes

A military connection: religious life and how we do it

Sr. Margaret Claydon, president emeritus of Trinity Washington University, dies

Religious women, wild and wonderful

The Word meets the world at Pauline Books and Media Centers

For religious, God's love is worth more than any earthly good, pope says