Religious Life

Cultural joys and challenges bubble up at Latin American missionary sisters gathering

Becoming the fire to transform religious life today

On whose shoulders I stand

Young religious sisters at LCWR: Building bridges, inspiring change

Who will light the way? Who will reframe religious life?

Mother, homeland, freedom

Sisters of the Earth Community focuses on 'largest pro-life issue' — the Earth

Share your voice in upcoming The Life panel for 2024-25

Women's congregations hit hard in latest crackdown in Nicaragua

At the threshold of a shared future, LCWR holds a deeply moving conference

Yes, sisters do play sports

Brushstrokes of a charism

Paula Gil Cano, a life dedicated to charity

Congregational charisms guide sisters as 'living word for the church'

Embracing newness: Women's transformative role in the synodal journey

LCWR honors Sr. Nancy Schreck, who spent decades serving sisters and rural poor

'Broader charism of religious life': LCWR assembly ponders new beginnings

How a small group of nuns in rural Kansas vex big companies with their investment activism

LCWR assembly invites sisters to become 'catalyst for social transformation'

At South Africa's Winter School, sisters are urged to study canon law