
LCWR's Lifetime Achievement Award winners have spent decades advocating for others

Unleashing creativity: enhancing the lives of women in India

Sr. Jane Herb brings a collaborative approach as she takes on LCWR presidency

Death of Fr. Swamy, tribal rights defender, motivates India's Catholic religious

Former Kentucky convent finds new life as compassionate care home

Q & A with Sr. Matilda Inyang, supporting children whose families think they're witches

Rural Papua New Guinea's isolation creates challenges, but limits COVID-19 spread

Times call for Shiphrah and Puah activism

Sisters unload tons of food, feed hungry in Ho Chi Minh City's COVID crackdown

African sisters take path from donor-dependent to self-reliant

Legal battle for control over Kenyan hospitals deprives thousands of care

Q & A with Sr. Gloria Inés Gonzales Ramírez, shifting Haiti's educational paradigm

Bloom where you are planted

Recovering liturgical minister learns a lot via virtual liturgy

Haitian women are my inspiration

As newly arrived immigrants move beyond US-Mexico border, sisters are there to help

Goma under fire from Nyiragongo, the most dangerous volcano in Africa

Q & A with Sr. Mercedes Castillo, accompanying immigrants on the border

Nursing students bring aid, community to retired Dominican sisters amid the pandemic

COVID-19 and a daughter of Maria Teresa Spinelli