Thomas Scaria is a senior journalist based in India who has worked in Sri Lanka until recently in an intergovernmental organization. He has written for the Union of Catholic Asian News since 1991 and received its 2000 Best Reporter award. He also writes for Matters India, a news portal that focuses on religious and social issues and collaborates with Global Sisters Report.


Maryann Agnes Mueller is a Felician Sister of North America. Before her entrance into the congregation, she worked as a dietician and research tech in cholesterol metabolism. Later, she worked as a certified diabetes educator and taught science in high school. Now, she serves as the full-time justice and peace coordinator for the Felician Sisters of North America in Enfield, Connecticut, and edits the congregational justice and peace newsletter. She serves on several boards; among them is U.S.

The monastery of the Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena in Koblenz, Germany, Kloster Arenberg, is home to 50 Dominican sisters and welcomes seekers of all stripes to their property for various forms of holistic recreation. Sr. Ursula Hertewich, who works there as a spiritual guide for guests, offering one-on-one spiritual counseling appointments, said "wellness," a term that brings to mind concerns about access and privilege, is a word the press has attached to what they're doing in Koblenz, not one they chose for themselves.

Notes from the Field - Without the foundational trust necessary for our community to broach these topics of privilege and racism organically or a formal framework for them built into the Loretto Volunteer program, I began to unpack my whiteness and its implications independently.

This story appears in the Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions feature series. View the full series.

Prominent U.S. bishops have opposed the Equality Act that's been introduced in Congress, but Network executive director Sr. Simone Campbell says supporting legislation protecting LGBTQ people's civil rights is "a call to love. It's a no-brainer in my book."

This story appears in the UISG 2019 plenary feature series. View the full series.

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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The umbrella group representing approximately 450,000 Catholic women religious around the world has elected Polish Sr. Jolanda Kafka, the general superior of the Claretian Missionary Sisters, as its new president. Kafka, who has led her congregation since 2017, takes over UISG leadership from Maltese Sr. Carmen Sammut.