This story appears in the Nuns on the Bus feature series. View the full series.

Nuns on the Bus Blog - The sisters of Kentucky spend the day in Lexington, talking to workers, rallying voters and drawing media attention. The deadline to register to vote for the Nov. 4 midterm Congressional election is fast approaching in most states. Nuns on the Bus online has a handy "TurboVote" tool that can get you connected to your local election board.

This story appears in the Nuns on the Bus feature series. View the full series.

Nuns on the Bus Blog - Three site visits showed the sisters riding through Kentucky various ministries in Louisville on Wednesday that put them in touch with immigrants, homeless and other populations who might feel like their voices, their votes, are lost in the political din.

This story appears in the Synod on the Family feature series. View the full series.

Grace on the Margins - The extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family has cast a new spotlight on the Roman Catholic church's teachings on divorce and remarriage. According to doctrine, Catholics who divorce and remarry outside of the church are prohibited from receiving the Eucharist. For decades, theologian and ethicist Mercy Sr. Margaret Farley has written about the church's teaching on divorce and remarriage, asking new questions about the nature of commitment and the conditions for release from obligations. She does this work most notably in her books. NCR sat with Farley to discuss these themes and her own take on the possibilities for change in the church's teaching.

This story appears in the Year of Consecrated Life feature series. View the full series.

In an effort to help lay Catholics gain a deeper understanding of religious life, priests, brothers and women religious intend to open their convents, monasteries, abbeys and religious houses to the public one day next February.

Three Stats and a Map - On Sept. 10, President Barack Obama authorized airstrikes in Syria in an effort to combat ISIL, the militant Islamist group that has taken over large portions of Iraq and driven Christians from their homes. Many religious leaders, including Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International, decried military intervention in Syria, hoping instead for a peaceful diplomatic solution.

This story appears in the Synod on the Family feature series. View the full series.

by Joachim Pham


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Sr. Mary Nguyen Thi Hong Que, a member of Tam Hiep Dominican Sisters based in Bien Hoa City, southern Vietnam, heads the education program of the Ho Chi Minh City archdiocese’s Family Ministry Committee. She is a marriage guidance counselor, busy giving talks on leadership and life-coping skills to Catholic youths, women, lay leaders, priests and women religious throughout the country.