Sr. Teresa Maya is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas. Education has been her main ministry. She is currently serving on the leadership team of her congregation.

Before Brown v. Board of Education mandated the integration of America’s schools, Sinsinawa Dominican Sr. Patty Caraher taught at an all-black high school in the Mobile, Ala. As she puts it, she was naïve when she arrived, thinking she would sweep into the Deep South and teach her students how to survive in the “white world.”

This story appears in the Advent feature series. View the full series.

GSR Today - Advent is a favorite liturgical season of mine. The Scripture readings, especially from Isaiah, give me hope for the world in the making. Isaiah also reminds us that we are a people, not just individuals. Particularly here in the U.S., too often we lose sight of that communal dimension of the summons, who we are and what we are to be about as a people.

Three Stats and a Map - This week, leaders from around the world are convening in Lima, Peru to work out a deal to address climate change. Up for discussion is a feasible plan to limit countries’ greenhouse emissions, and whatever the delegation comes up with is expected to be adopted next year.

Bernadette Flanagan is a Sister of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary who has been director of research at All Hallows College (Dublin City University) since 2008 and acting president of Milltown Institute, Dublin, prior to that. Her publications include, "Quaestio Divina: Research as Spiritual Practice" in (The Way, Nov. 2014); Embracing Solitude: Women and New Monasticism (2013)  and (with Michael O'Sullivan SJ, eds,) Spiritual Capital: Christian Spirituality in Applied Perspective (2012).

by Jeannine Gramick


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A gathering in Cleveland, Ohio, last month marked the first time that social justice advocates from congregations of women religious met together. The participants will continue to network in the future under the tag line, Justice Conference of Women Religious. Ann Oestreich, IHM, co-chair of the convocation, called this continued commitment “a sign of hope for all.”

This story appears in the Year of Consecrated Life feature series. View the full series.

GSR Today - In a letter issued Friday – two days before the official start date – Pope Francis said the purpose of the Year of Consecrated life was to honor the past and embrace the future of religious life, encouraging religious communities to reflect on their unique histories with an eye to the histories yet to be written.

by Patricia Siemen


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Thomas Berry would have been 100 on Nov. 9, 2014. Many conferences around the world, including the “Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to the Journey of the Universe,” held recently at Yale Divinity School, honored him on his centennial birthday. Berry’s influence on the world of science, ecology and religion, particularly at the beginning of the new millennial era, has been significant. It is an appropriate time to look at the emerging legacy of the “great work” he inspired in so many people.