This story appears in the COP21 Paris feature series. View the full series.

by Elise D. García


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COP21 Paris - As the second day of the International Tribunal on the Rights of Nature opened in the packed auditorium of Maison des Métallos, a cultural center in the heart of Paris, a disturbing word was shared about the COP21 negotiations taking place just north of the city.

Sr. Megan Rice, a Society of the Holy Child Jesus sister, now 85, has been arrested almost 40 times and has spent some three years in jail in her quest to rid the world of nuclear weapons. One might think she's been doing this all her life, but most of her activism and subsequent arrests came after she'd spent 33 years teaching science and running schools in Nigeria and Ghana.

This story appears in the COP21 Paris feature series. View the full series.

by Elise D. García


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COP21 Paris - The study, which examines 100 incidents of co-violations of human rights and rights of nature, underscores the reality that the well-being of humans and nature is inextricably linked.