A former Salvadoran Defense Minister linked to the 1980 slayings of Archbishop Oscar Romero and four U.S. churchwomen has lost a years-long battle to remain in the United States, sources connected to the case told NCR.

Several weeks ago I had the privilege of meeting Nadiah Mohajir, a Muslim-American woman who spoke after a Chicago screening of "Radical Grace," a documentary about Catholic sisters working for justice. For over five years, Nadiah has provided health education programming to over 2,000 Muslim women and girls in the Chicagoland area and cities across the country.

Conflict between secular principles and growing fundamentalism, as well as rising inequality between rich and poor, worry the tiny Catholic community in Bangladesh. Strikes, school closings and street-protests led by the nation's opposition political party marked the start of 2015 for Bangladesh — a wobbly and uncomfortable moment for those who experienced it, said Maryknoll Sr. Miriam Perlewitz, who is based in the crowded capital of Dhaka.

by Joachim Pham


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After communist forces captured Saigon, the capital of a U.S.-backed South Vietnam, on April 30, 1975, more than 1 million Vietnamese were estimated to flee the country. For two decades, they went mainly by sea to nearby Southeast Asian countries, attempting to elude persecution and life under communist rule. On behalf of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, Sr. Pascale Le Thi Triu of Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul offered legal and social services to thousands of 'boat people,' or refugees, for 25 years in the Philippines, where she studied social work.

This story appears in the See for Yourself feature series. View the full series.

by Nancy Linenkugel


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See for Yourself - A colleague and I recently had a meeting about plans for a project. While I dutifully took notes in my trusty portfolio, Debbie did not. I thought to myself, "Wow, she must have a terrific memory if she doesn’t have to write anything down."

This story appears in the LCWR feature series. View the full series.

Book review - Published by Orbis in September, Transformational Leadership: Conversations with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious is a collection of 18 interviews that will interest not just members of women religious' communities, but anyone in leadership seeking to act faithfully as an agent of transformation in challenging, changing circumstances.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

Notes from the Field - My previous posts have touched on the work we are doing for the Big Laurel Learning Center and as aides in the local schools. Equally exciting is the work we have do during our personal time on the property of Big Laurel, learning what it means to live in rural isolation and practice some homesteading techniques.