by Melanie Lidman

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For 16 years, Loreto Sr. Ephigenia Gachiri has traveled across Kenya desperately trying to halt female genital mutilation. Though millions of women are still at risk for the ceremonial cutting, there are success stories. Mary Nasibo is one.
Related story - In rural Kenya, a path to adulthood without female genital mutilation

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

Notes from the Field - The novelty of our service has worn off, and the work involved to make lasting changes in the greater community we are living in has been overwhelming and frustrating. Put simply, we are experiencing burnout.

Good Samaritan Sr. Patty Fawkner is the congregational leader of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. She is an adult educator, writer and facilitator with formal tertiary qualifications in arts, education, theology and spirituality. Patty is interested in exploring what wisdom the Christian tradition has for contemporary issues. She has an abiding interest in questions of justice and spirituality.

"For Love Alone" is a newa documentary about Catholic sisters commissioned by the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, released in August as part of CMSWR's larger celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life. Clare Matthiass, a Franciscan Sister of the Renewal and CMSWR board member, was featured in the film and was one member of the committee of women religious who helped Grassroots Films shape the film's narrative arc.

This story appears in the Iraq feature series. View the full series.

GSR Today - Nearly two years ago, the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, fleeing the so-called Islamic State group, left their hometown of Mosul and relocated to Iraqi Kurdistan. GSR has been following the sisters, and last week Prioress Sr. Maria Hanna penned a 2015 year-end recap, which seems appropriate to highlight here.