by Regina Siegfried


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On Oct. 28, 1992, I sat at my computer in St. Louis Missouri, with the radio on for background noise. I heard snatches of phrases about "Liberia … five nuns … missing." Snapping to attention, I realized this had to be us. We had five sisters in Liberia. They were: Srs. Shirley Kolmer, Mary Joel Kolmer, Kathleen McGuire, Agnes Mueller and Barbara Ann Muttra.

by Joyce Meyer

International Liaison, Global Sisters Report

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GSR Today - After a recent experience in Tanzania and Malawi of electrical blackouts, cold showers, limited or no internet, cooking with charcoal, and the sight of mountains stripped of trees, I was reminded of a project I had started to research how sisters in sub-Saharan Africa use solar energy.

The sisters of Congrégation de Notre-Dame didn't want to give up the same coffee they had been drinking for decades. But paying a fair wage to the poor farmers who grew the coffee beans was something they could get behind — one of 12 actions they're undertaking to lessen their environmental footprint.