Global Sisters Report takes a closer look at the OK Clean Water Project and Water With Blessings, two collaborative projects among women religious, both of which empower local leaders to bring drinkable water to the marginalized, giving them the proper tools to be self-reliant.

In South Sudan, Sr. Carla Magnaghi helps oversee a center that provide care and schooling for mentally and physically disabled children. She talks with GSR about increasing awareness and acceptance of disability in the area, and speaks about what she has witnessed during her 15 years in the country.

South Sudan's future is bound up with fear, something on vivid and visceral display at the large United Nations camps outside of the capital of Juba. At the Protection of Civilians, or POC, Camp #3, nearly 40,000 people are congested into an area that is only a quarter-square mile. As people violently uprooted from their homes, they are trapped, afraid to leave the compound.