by Nancy Linenkugel


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Before 1875, hospitals were places people went to die. They were places of last resort since cures didn't happen there, and options for saving lives didn't exist. But a number of advancements in healthcare around the turn of the century changed all that. After 1875, the number of hospitals in the USA grew from 170 to more than 7,000. During that timeframe, it became clear that professionally trained administrators were needed to run hospitals.

Mariposa Ministries is a collection of five women who live together under one roof with the support of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Living alongside Delphine Busch, an associate member of the Holy Names congregation, four refugees find support in a family environment after long journeys of tribulation.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

by Sarabella Muise


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Notes from the Field - I am in my second month of post-graduate service with Good Shepherd Volunteers and work full-time in New York City at Marian Hall, a group residence for teenage girls who cannot live at home for various reasons, including abuse or neglect. 

Maryknoll Sr. Rosemarie Milazzo, 86, has pursued missionary work in various countries for decades.  She spoke with GSR about her most recent assignment to the Greek island of Lesbos, where she saw firsthand the conditions refugees endure in camps.