Catholic sisters' stories are stories of the human experience

Ursuline Sr. Michele Morek of Global Sisters Report (GSR photo)

Ursuline Sr. Michele Morek of Global Sisters Report (GSR photo)

Sr. Maxine Kollasch talks to Global Sisters Report's own Ursuline Sr. Michele Morek. In commissioning and editing columnists as well as panelists for The Life, Sister Michele encounters sisters across the globe who write about their lives — like the nun from India stranded in Peru during the pandemic, and a U.S. sister's journey with cancer.

"Sometimes people don't realize sisters have the same kinds of experiences" as all people, Sister Michele says. "We react to things with fear and anger and disappointment and curiosity. It's a story about the human experience."

Click here to listen to the full "In Good Faith" podcast where this clip is from.

GSR shares clips from our friends at A Nun's Life Ministry. Check out full episodes of all their podcasts (Ask Sister, In Good Faith, Random Nun Clips and more, like the archived Motherhouse Road Trips) on their website,

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