Weather affects more than other weather

  • Screenshot of interactive map created by InMetro.

  • (Infographic created by Georgia Perry with stats from, and

The interactive map pictured above, created by Czech meteorological company InMeteo, depicts various weather trends, such as wind speed, temperature, precipitation, and more, in a lovely Van Gogh-esque tableau. Users can zoom in or out to focus on a particular area or see the whole Earth at once. "The Earth's weather functions as an interdependent system," InMeteo writes on its website. "For example, a hurricane in the Atlantic has the ability to influence the distribution of pressure formations in Europe."

Indeed, weather in one part of Earth influences weather in other parts of the world — but weather influences other aspects of life as well. Whether it's politics, economics, or simply our moods, weather is powerful. With climate change, this truth is more apparent now than ever. This week's #3Stats are dedicated to some surprising ways in which weather is interdependent with other aspects of life.

[Georgia Perry is a freelance writer based in Oakland, California. She's contributed to several print and online magazines including, The Atlantic, CityLab, Portland Monthly Magazine and the Portland Mercury. She was formerly a staff writer at the Santa Cruz Weekly in California. Follow her on Twitter @georguhperry.]