Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer is a Sister of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and served as executive director of the Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters, a grant-making organization supporting the works of Catholic sisters globally, from 1999 through October 2011. She worked for five years as a missionary in Zambia, where she taught English at a secretarial college and served as executive director for the Zambia Association of Sisterhoods, the national conference of women religious. She is on the boards of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Medicines for Humanity and the International Foundation of the Good Shepherd Sisters and has served as international liaison to women religious for Global Sisters Report since January 2014.


By this Author

Amid UISG plenary's first phase, leaders share stories of loss and hope

Q & A with Sr. Ianire Angulo Ordorika on abuse of power in religious life

International Union of Superiors General plenary to address timely themes: vulnerability and synodality

One Catholic sister's harrowing tale of escaping Kabul

ACWECA's 2021 assembly shows the perseverance and strength of African sisters

Good Shepherd sisters in Mozambique minister to refugees fleeing crisis

Amid tragedies in Haiti, South Sudan and Afghanistan, sisters endure

Girls can speak for themselves, and Good Shepherd Sisters are amplifying their voices

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Bringing attention to exploited obedience, spiritual abuse in religious communities

Q & A with Doris Reisinger, theologian at the forefront of the #NunsToo movement

Facing the grief of pandemic stress and pain: sharing notes from a workshop on the psychological impact of COVID-19

Research on women religious identifies trends, establishes framework for tracking changes

Sisters connect in global webinar about coping with ministry and effects during COVID-19

UISG helps create a unifying consciousness that can change the world

Q & A with Sr. Louisa Abid, providing health care in Cameroon in the face of war and COVID-19

Haiti deals with COVID-19, misinformation and government inaction

Two webinars offer a broader vision of religious life in the West

Hilton Foundation webinar shares how COVID-19 has affected sisters globally

Study of East African congregations finds gaps that challenge religious life