Dan Stockman

Dan Stockman is national correspondent for Global Sisters Report. He was a reporter at daily newspapers in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana for nearly two decades before joining GSR in 2014.

By this Author

History of rebuilding helps Sisters of the Holy Family after Hurricane Katrina

Immigration reform advocates 'disappointed, but not surprised' by Supreme Court ruling

Vatican letter asks Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet to Rome for 'prayerful conversation'

Supreme Court focuses on immigration amid deportations

Fracking should be an issue for everyone, Mercy sister says in fracking webinar

Religious communities face changes, plan to retain missions and preserve history

Q & A with John O'Shaughnessy, CEO/CFO of a Franciscan congregation

A quiet revolution in the US and what it means for prisons

Sisters lead the way in mission investing that influences corporate policy and advances social good

US sisters turn their lands over to trusts, preserving them from development

The inspiring and heartbreaking stories behind a Kenyan village's women

Q & A with Rachael Consoli, delivering babies in a war zone

Social media opens windows to women religious communities and their charisms

Hunger strike at detention facility highlights continued mistreatment of detainees

Boko Haram is still using children as slaves, weapons

Casualties in Ecuador earthquake include women religious

South Sudan inches toward genocide

Q & A with Sr. Monique Tarabeh, praying for family in Syria

New mission territory: the United States

Look to the sisters in an increasingly terror-driven world