Dan Stockman

Dan Stockman is national correspondent for Global Sisters Report. He was a reporter at daily newspapers in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana for nearly two decades before joining GSR in 2014.

By this Author

Chicago sisters work to bring peace to streets torn by violence

Sisters let go of corporate ministries, refocus

Q & A with Sr. Jomary Trstensky, award-winner for decades of health care work

Congregations receive $25 million to cover retirement shortfalls

Trump administration, Senate Republicans continue fighting Obamacare

Don't repeal, don't reduce the ACA, say US sisters

Sister finds that faith sustains when institutions fail

Q & A with Sr. Mary Dorothea Sondgeroth, award-winner for decades of health care work

We're all in this together

Q & A with Sr. Donna Ciangio, helping parishes discern what it means to be disciples

Project fights for asylum seekers' access to legal counsel in Texas

Q & A with Sr. Cathleen Timberlake, making premium handmade soap

Younger sisters renew relationships to prepare for future leadership, collaboration

More sisters call for humane policies for refugees

Q & A with Sr. Makrina Finlay, studying ancient theologians

A sister's response: measured, thoughtful, precise

Words matter, especially the words of President Trump

New novices start online: study shows sisters could up their internet outreach

Q & A with Sr. Nancy Murray, writing and performing one-woman plays

Notre Dame conference's participants discuss history of foreign-born sisters serving in US