Sr. Anne Victory is one of the three laureates of the 2024 Sisters' Anti-Trafficking Awards. She received the Servant Leadership Award for excellence in network building, and spoke about her efforts to end human trafficking.
Mousseau and Francois are the co-editors of Reseeding Religious Life Through Global Sisterhood, a collection of essays by younger sisters who see religious life not as a collection of separate congregations, but as a worldwide movement of women.
Murmu, a member of the Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, serves children, the elderly and migrants in Roveredo in Piano, Pordenone, where she is the house superior.
In 1981, Sr. Maria Goretti founded the Dharma Jyothi (Light of Righteousness) Social Centre in Mangaluru and built about 750 homes for migrant laborers.
Sr. Angelina Julom enjoys seeing patients at the Nazareth Psycho-Social Wellness Center for Individuals and Families in Cainta, Rizal, Philippines. As a nun, she finds people trust her even more as a psychologist.
For the last 20 years, Sr. Nirmola Maria Goretti Cruze, a member of the Holy Cross Sisters, has been working with children with disabilities in Tejgaon, Dhaka. She runs the Hope Center, which serves 40 children.
Just like Walsh's lengthy recovery from a 20-foot fall off a cliff — involving months of physical therapy, treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and sipping pureed meals through a wired-shut jaw — her foray into convent life involved a slew of doubts.