
Monday Starter: Killings of Ukrainian civilians don't surprise St. Basil sisters there

California Dominicans' land use looks after well-being of wildlife, people

Thinking existentially at the 'gates of Hope'

Monday Starter: St. Agnes sisters to conserve Wisconsin land in perpetuity

What helps to discern God's direction for you

Amid UISG plenary's first phase, leaders share stories of loss and hope

After two years of service, I see a spiritual way forward

Monday Starter: Loretto Community celebrates 30 years of environmental ministry

In Lent, should I pray only the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary?

The importance of meaningful relationships and empathy

Monday Starter: Bangladesh sisters take part in synod process

Can you change your Lenten practices after Lent starts?

Alongside Sisters of Charity, I slowed down and embraced the call to serve

Monday Starter: Join virtual Lenten prayers for peace in Ukraine

At nine years, Pope Francis channels the spirit of Catholic sisters

What are some ways nuns prepare for Lent?

To be part of womankind is to be limitless

Monday Starter: How to help sisters and others in Ukraine

The unexpected guides me to a whole new social justice mission

Monday Starter: Sisters respond to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, pray for peace