
Q & A with Sr. Ruperta Palacios Silva: 'It is urgent to make Afro-descendant people visible' in the church

In El Salvador, Carmelite sisters look after the 'shrine' of St. Óscar Romero

With the help of 4 sisters, Edmundite Missions works to improve lives in Selma, Alabama

Sisters in Africa lead exchange of ideas on reforming care for vulnerable children

Dodgers remove 'queer and trans nuns' from Pride Night amid Catholic pushback

Sisters provide affordable hydrocephalus treatment for Rwandan children

'Empowerment through education': Sisters in India rehabilitate temple dancers

Vietnam Catholic nuns support people with mental illness

Q & A with Sr. Jeanne Clark, peace activist who went to jail for nonviolent resistance

In Kakuma Refugee Camp, sisters foster peace between warring South Sudanese tribes

Ahead of border confusion, Catholic sisters take Mother's Day to a migrant shelter

Benedictines help Protestant women clergy explore spirituality, leadership

Kerala nuns protest drama depicting them as lesbians, priests' sexual partners

Newly published list shows Catholic sisters ran 74 US Native American boarding schools

Sisters shut down ministries, flee Sudan with thousands of others amid growing violence

The end of an era for the Sisters of Charity of New York

Q & A with Sr. Rina Magdeline Cruze, preaching the Gospel through training nurses

For centuries, sisters in the Deep South have worked to alleviate poverty. There's still more to do.

Sisters of the Divine Savior educate women and children on abuse in the Philippines

Vietnamese nuns celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations with youth