
We all are called to community

How Mom came around to my call

For children who witnessed atrocities in Cameroon, these sisters' school is home

Philippine congregation celebrates sister's acquittal in perjury case

Nuns, students and locals revive neglected park in Philippines

Ukraine: An unusual Christmas in a war zone

Sister André, a Daughter of Charity and oldest known person in world, dies in France at age 118

Re-interment of Sisters of Social Service foundress in Hungary pays 'homage to her spirit'

Another Christmas without peace in Democratic Republic of Congo

Sr. Berchmans Conway, lifelong educator in Pakistan, dies at 93

RIP, Marie, the 'not smart' woman who taught me Gospel living

Q & A with Sr. Nadia Coppa on how the late Pope Benedict XVI contributed to the church

A New Year's resolution to think more like our creative Creator

Journeys of life bring us joys and sorrows

What sign will show me God is calling me to religious life?

'His memory still resonates with us': Franciscan sister recalls MLK's deathbed

Sisters in Northern Ghana engage in early child development care

LCWR leaders talk about unprecedented transformation of religious life

For 2023, UISG officers prioritize the synodal journey and a 'culture of care'

Christmas gave us an opportunity to think about creation and act for it