
As shelters squeeze in migrants, sisters in Mexico City offer 'another Nazareth'

Religious women and men express hopes for co-responsibility during synod

Pope Francis takes on climate deniers, 'irresponsible' Americans in new climate letter

Opening momentous Vatican summit, Pope Francis begs church to 'not impose burdens'

Q & A with Sr. Carolyn Brockland on how to rebuild after a natural disaster

Lay voting member says synod is opportunity to consider women deacons

Law experts weigh in on Arlington monastery dispute between Fort Worth bishop, nuns

Pope signals openness to blessings for gay couples, study of women's ordination

Sisters in Vietnam find advantages to their secular institutes

At United Nations, sisters do a whole lot of work behind the scenes

Catholic action on climate issue must continue, advocates say

Basilian Sisters given Catholic Extension's top honor for 'powerful witness' amid peril in Ukraine

Webinar participants say planning is 'critical' in the care for aging sisters

The night before forever: Ahead of final vows, sisters feel doubt, anxiety, joy

Q & A with Korean Sr. Andree Lee, who supports orphans in Bangladesh

Monday Starter: UISG has new president due to congregational leadership change

Catholic sisters, activists express worry by lack of progress on UN goals

The fourth vow of the Sisters of Mercy

Long Island sisters open their doors, and their hearts, to refugees

An Indian nun who turned filmmaker and won accolades