Arts and Media

Sundance film features Immaculate Heart Community's 50-year journey

Oral histories capture sisters' memories before they're gone

2020 in columns: The year COVID-19 dominated our lives

Read again: 10 noteworthy stories from 2020

Former art studio of Sister Mary Corita, LA's 'pop art nun,' spared from demolition for now

Q & A with Sr. Mary Anna Euring, knowing God's energy in Asian brush painting

In 'Love Tenderly,' LGBTQ sisters share joys and struggles of self-discovery

Nun, who claims 'divine help,' advances to final of MasterChef Brasil

Q & A with Sr. Astridah Banda, 'unsung hero' for educating on COVID-19

Congregations find their own voices with Liturgy of the Hours revisions

Sisters discuss ventures into the TikTok frontier of evangelization

Mary, Undoer of Knots seen as offering hope amid tangled reality of pandemic

Sr. Margaret MacCurtain, distinguished historian and activist, dies at 91

Poor Clares' song reaches out in a hope to provide silence, calm

New curriculum teaches Catholic faith through lives of women religious

Love and baseball

What would nuns watch on Netflix?

Whenever I feel afraid of corona

Singing compassion into the world

Q & A with Sr. Vimala Joseph Thottumannil, architect of churches and chapels worldwide