300 Years of Sister History (in 5 minutes) is a fast-paced look at the legacy of Catholic sisters in the United States since 1727. It is narrated by journalist Cokie Roberts.
Catholic Religious Australia provides support and advocacy for more than 5,000 women and men religious from more than 150 congregations in Australia.
Conferencia de Superiores Mayores de Religiosos de México (the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious of Mexico) promotes collaboration among religious congregations in Mexico and studies common issues and challenges. Its website is in the Spanish language.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) is an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States. Its members represent nearly 80 percent of the approximately 44,000 women religious in the United States. LCWR's website provides links to nearly 200 congregations.
Each community of women religious has a unique charism, a gift from the Holy Spirit that sets it apart and empowers its members for their work in the world. Learn more about charisms here.
Called and Consecrated is a free, online curriculum that tells the stories of Catholic sisters in the United States and around the world.
Solidarity with Sisters is a group of people seeking to grow through spiritual practices and social action, in solidarity with the Leadership Conference for Women Religious. Its website includes resources on community life, contemplation, social action and other aspects of religious life.
Archival Resources for Catholic Collections preserves the legacy of Catholic women and men religious who created educational, charitable, and medical infrastructures in the United States and Canada.
"Sisterhood" is a seven-part video series that explores the mission and ministries of congregations of women religious in Vietnam, Tanzania, the United States and other places. The Sisterhood website features a trailer and descriptions of the 30-minute episodes, which are available for rental. Each episode also has its own study guide for further reflection.
The deaths of four U.S. churchwomen in El Salvador on Dec. 2, 1980, awakened the world to the violence exploding throughout much of Central America. Here are links to articles from National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report.