Three congregations of sisters are changing the way they use land and energy and are reducing the amount of garbage they generate.

Lessons in Environment
Humans – individually and collectively – have a big impact on the environment. Disovering simple realities, such as the amount of garbage we generate, can lead to positive changes.
Sisters in Vietnam counteract the country's massive use of pesticides and herbicides by educating farmers about health risks.
Agriculture is a skill that requires special knowledge. A simple quiz could raise appreciation for raising a food many learners enjoy.
Dozens of sisters joined a caravan to Honduras, where they discovered farming practices that hurt the environment and displaced people.
The products we use and the food we eat have impacts on people and the envrionment. Explore a common ingredient in things we use and eat every day and consider how its product affects our common home.
The Good Samaritan Sisters, including two young women from Kiribati, are working to make a difference as that island nation responds to the impact of climate change.
Rising sea levels have huge implications for a growing number of people. Simulation can help up better understand their plight.
The Sister Water Project is one of many sister-led efforts to bring clean drinking water to people. It changes the lives of those who get fresh water and those who work to help bring it to them.
Nearly half of the world's people lack access to clean drinking water. Connect with a reality that threatens the lives of billions of people.
While some still don’t acknowledge climate change, we must realize we're in service to future generations and to the planet. These realizations don't come from data alone.
Action is urgently needed to protect creation. But first, we can slow things down to observe and appreciate nature.