GSR Feature Series

Nuns on the Bus

Global Sisters Report is reporting live from the road with updates and photos during the 2020 Network Nuns on the Bus tour, Who We Elect Matters. 

Pandemic vignettes

Throughout the pandemic, Global Sisters Report has been checking in with sisters and their communities to see how they are faring. These series of vignettes provide a window into what religious life is like under the threat of COVID-19.


Global Sisters Report is publishing a special series about how trash is managed in the world and how sisters are helping people affected by landfills.

Laudato Si' encyclical

Global Sisters Report covers the release of "Laudato Si', On Care for our Common Home," Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical on the environment.


The Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena of Iraq are still trying to rebuild two years after returning home to the devastation the Islamic State group left behind.


Janet Gildea, SC, has been a contributor to Global Sisters Report, writing on immigration and other topics from the U.S.-Mexico border.

In Our Own Words

In Our Own Words, published Jan. 25 by Liturgical Press, contains chapters written by 13 younger sisters, including a reflection from Sr. Virginia Herbers of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on diversity and unity in religious life and Incarnate Word Sr.

Writing Workshops

Global Sisters Report traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, to introduce ourselves to sisters working there. About 3,000 women religious live and work in this sprawling East African city.

Year of Consecrated Life

Pope Francis' letter, Rejoice!, about the Year of Consecrated Life is linked from our resource section.

Pilgrimage to Honduras

From March 18 to 25, an interfaith group of about 75 people, including two dozen women religious, traveled to Honduras in a "reverse caravan" to see for themselves why tens of thousands of people have fled for their lives.

Preaching Truth

This series of columns by the Dominican Sisters Conference hopes to open Global Sisters Report's readership to a conversation on truth.


By 2024, the National Religious Retirement Office projects that men and women retired from active ministry will outnumber those being paid for their work by four to one.


The 1994 Rwandan genocide, when up to a million people were killed during 100 days of fighting and in the chaos before and afterward, lurks under the surface of every interaction, even though 23 years have passed since the killers laid down their machetes.

See for Yourself

A weekly blog by Sr. Nancy Linenkugel.


The film “Selma” has drawn national attention to the turbulent times of civil rights activism, political strategies, ideal hopes and still-shocking violence.

Sisters Making Mainstream Headlines

In this spot every week Global Sisters Report will look at stories that the secular, mainstream media – newspapers, magazines, TV, Internet blogs, etc. – are doing about Catholic sisters.

Sisters of Selma Q&A

Global Sisters Report interviews with Catholic sisters and former sisters who worked and/or marched in Selma, Alabama, in 1965. We wanted to give these sisters an opportunity to share their thoughts about current racial events, protests and Black Lives Matter.

Guerra en Ucrania

War in Ukraine

Sisters are on the front lines serving and ministering to those affected by the Russian invasion in Ukraine. 

UISG 2022 plenary

"Embracing Vulnerability on the Synodal Journey" was the theme for the 22nd plenary assembly of the International Union of Superiors General.