Franciscan Sisters Install New Leadership

The Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Frankfort, Illinois, installed a new leadership team this June. Called to serve and pictured are (l-r): Sr. Lovina Francis Pammit, 3rd Councilor; Sr. Iaci Araujo de Miranda, 4th Councilor; Sr. Mary Elizabeth Imler, General Community Leader; Sr. Genevieve Raupp, 2nd Councilor; and Sr. Christina Fuller, Vicaress.

The newly elected team is responsible for fulfilling the 2024-2029 Mandatum, which applies to both our Sisters in the United States and Brazil:

Set ablaze the fire of God’s newness…community, church, cosmos.
Incendeie o fogo da novidade de Deus…comunidade, igreja, cosmos.

With the Word in my heart, I cannot keep quiet.
 Com a Palavara no meu coração, eu não posso me calar.

With the Word in our heart, we cannot keep quiet.
Com a Palavara em nosso coração, nós não podemos nos calar.